South Haven Township planners seek public input


The South Haven Township Planning Commission is seeking the public’s input on the latest updates to the master plan. Commission Chair Mark Odland tells us the master plan is a comprehensive document that guides development in the township.

“For example, parks and recreation, beaches, whether they want more commercial, more residential,” Odland said. “Then we get into some specific areas where those developments, commercial or residential, could take place.”

Odland says the Planning Commission wants to know what residents think before setting priorities. What does he think people care about?

“People really have a strong interest in the amount of land that’s set aside for public use, for use in the township for parks and recreation. I’m hearing a lot of comments from people in the township about the number and location of short term rentals.”

Odland says the commission has launched a survey to get the public’s thoughts. You can find it right here. The survey asks about things like where residential developments should be and what people want to see in terms of recreation. The master plan has to be updated about every five years.