Michigan Works! of Berrien, Cass and Van Buren and YouthBuild of Benton Harbor are inviting individuals 16-24 years old to participate in the Youth Spring Bash on Friday, March 24 at the the Next Level Tech Center, 315 East Main Street, Benton Harbor.
At the event, youth who register will be able to participate in a 3-point shooting contest, virtual reality and more. They can also meet with specialists who can help with:
- Paid Work Experiences
- Education
- Training & Certifications
- Employment
- Housing Assistance
- Transportation
- Food
- Childcare
- Work Clothes
- Resume & Cover Letter Assistance
“We are excited to show young adults in Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren counties a great time, but we also want to get them connected to the resources we have available for them,” said Vice President of Workforce of Michigan Works! Berrien, Cass, Van Buren, Ian Gordon. “In addition to education and training, we also offer wraparound services such as access to transportation, food, childcare, and many other services for those that are eligible for youth services, with an emphasis on those youth currently not enrolled in any secondary education programming.”
Individuals who would like to participate in Youth Spring Bash are required to register at miworks.org/events. Individuals who cannot attend the event but are still interested in applying for YouthBuild-Benton Harbor are encouraged to visit bentonharboryouthbuild.org/. Young Adults interested in applying for a work experience through Michigan Works! can visit miworks.org/youth.
For more information, visit www.miworks.org and www.bentonharboryouthbuild.org