Voters to consider school bond proposal for Watervliet Public Schools


Watervliet Public Schools will have a bond proposal on the May ballot. The district is asking voters for $29.9 million to improve safety and security, aging buildings, and educational programming. Superintendent Ric Seager tells us one thing they want to do is add STEM classrooms.

“We’re really not in that game right now,” Seager said. “We’re a little bit behind our peer districts in this, quite a bit behind some of them. So, adding STEM classrooms to all of our buildings, both elementaries and the middle school, and also expanding the one here in the middle school/high school so we can add a robotics classroom.”

The funds would also pay for a new secure entrance to the middle school, secure classroom doors, restroom remodeling, mechanical upgrades, and a new track and concession stand. Seager says they also want to build an auxiliary gym.

“When this building was built, our gym was state of the art. It was one of the finest around. A couple of balconies, big space. But that was developed in a day where only men played competitive sports, and that’s not been the case for a long time. In fact, about half of our athletes are female  and they need places to practice as well.”

Seager says about a year and a half of planning went into the proposal.

“There’s a lot in there, a lot of stuff to bring us forward. We think this is sort of the next step in our evolution here at Watervliet Public Schools towards becoming a premier district.”

The bond proposal will appear on the May ballot. If approved by voters, it would be 1.2 mills over the 2022 debt tax rate, working out to about $5 a month per $100,000 of a property’s value. You can find out more about the proposal right here.