If you’ve ever dreamed of what it would have been like to navigate the Great Lakes in the age of sail, the Michigan Maritime Museum has an opportunity for you. Registration is now open for the Museum’s 2023 Basic Seamanship Training, which will give students a chance to join the crew of the museum’s tall ship, Friends Good Will. Friends Good Will is a replica of a square topsail sloop built in 1811 for a Detroit merchant, which was captured by both British and American forces during the War of 1812. Volunteers can choose to sail as often as they’d like from the end of May through September. The Maritime Museum says the seamanship course will be taught by Captain Bob Harnish, Commander of the Fleet, and classes will be on weekends in April and May. The classes are free, but museum membership is required.
To register, contact Captain Bob Harnish at captain@mimaritime.org or call (269) 637-8078, ext. 105. For more information about Friends Good Will, please visit michiganmaritimemuseum.org/explore/our-fleet/friends-good-will.