The 26th refueling outage of Indiana Michigan Power’s Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2 will start at 3 a.m. on Saturday. It’s power was reduced Wednesday to allow for equipment testing ahead of the outage. Unit 2 has operated for 11,583 hours at 97% since its last refueling outage, and Unit 1 will remain at 100%. Power to customers is not expected to be disrupted by the outage. Crews will also do upgrades to the feed water heater control system, a modification to the plant air compressor control system, and multiple piping bellows replacements on the moisture separator reheater system. Over 1,100 contracted workers will supplement the regular 1,000-person plant staff leading up to and during the outage. Nearly 9,700 maintenance, inspection and equipment modification job activities totaling 177,000 work-hours are scheduled for two daily 12-hour work shifts.
The utility does not release information about how long the refueling outage will last due to competitive reasons.