The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians has announced details for its 2022 Kee Boon Mein Kaa Pow Wow, taking place Labor Day weekend at Rodgers Lake Campground in Dowagiac.
Celebrating its 35th year, the Pow Wow will feature a celebration of traditional Pokagon culture, including regalia, song, as well as a dance and drum contest.
“We are very excited to celebrate the return of the Kee Boon Mein Kaa Pow Wow this Labor Day Weekend,” said Rebecca Williams, who serves on the Kee Boon Mein Kaa planning committee. “The public is encouraged to attend to learn about Pokagon traditions and culture, but also be entertained by the amazing dancers and drummers who are competing this year. We look forward to welcoming everyone and having a great event.”
Roger’s Lake Campground is located at 58620 Sink Road in Dowagiac. The grounds open at 10 a.m. Admission and parking are free. The Grand Entry will take place on Saturday at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. There will also be a Grand Entry at 1 p.m. Eastern on Sunday. Food, arts, crafts, and campsites will be available.
Only service animals with certificates are allowed on the pow wow grounds. Also, no campaign signage or transport of firewood to the campsite will be permitted.