YouthBuild Benton Harbor will be hosting several events over the coming months to showcase what it does and give those who are interested a chance to learn more. Mary Morphey with Kinexus tells WSJM News YouthBuild is a way for a student to earn money and learn skills while working toward their high school diploma or GED.
“We’re with our youth from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and individuals meet at our Next Level Tech Center located in Benton Harbor,” Morphey said. “We spend the day with them working on academics, construction, career preparation, or soft skills.”
Morphey says since 2008, YouthBuild has enrolled more than 630 students who learn a trade.
“We always say it’s changing lives through construction or changing lives through training. Not only are the inviduals learning a lot of things about the tangible things they can take into employment, but they’re learning a lot about themselves.”
They mostly do construction work, but not exclusively. Morphey says YouthBuild will hold a YouthBuild Marketplace April 28 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Next Level Tech Center in Benton Harbor where people can see the programs creations. There will also be a field day in May and a flag football event in June. Anyone who wants to learn more about the program can go to BentonHarborYouthBuild.org.
The events include:
April 28 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm: YouthBuild Marketplace
Location: Next Level Tech Center in Benton Harbor, located at 315 East Main Street
Attend the YouthBuild Marketplace and take a look at YouthBuild Student Creations. All food, snacks, and drinks are also $1.
May 26 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm: Field Day
Location: Next Level Tech Center in Benton Harbor, located at 315 East Main Street
A day of fun! Join us for three legged races, potato sack races, and tug of war. All food, snacks, and drinks are also $1.
June 23 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm: Flag Football
Location: Next Level Tech Center in Benton Harbor, located at 315 East Main Street
Arrive ready to play! Individuals will be split into teams and the game will be begin.