The New Troy Community Center in Weesaw Township has been closed following vandalism that was discovered this week. The Friends of New Troy Community Center says on the center’s website the building on Sunday was “unlawfully entered by members of the community we serve and significantly vandalized.” In particular, the kitchen was damaged. The group calls it the “space in which we had invested so much of ourselves.” It says the entire gym was heavily affected and will remain closed until further notice. The entryway, hallway, meeting, and community rooms all required volunteer hours to clean up. The estimated cost of the total clean-up and restoration services for the gym, kitchen, and restrooms is $4,500. Friends of the New Troy Community Center add donation boxes from recent events were broken into and money taken, saying, “It feels like a betrayal. The unspoken agreement that our center is a safe space where we look out for one another and help each other thrive was violated.”