Campaign Asks Bridgman Residents To Salute Teachers


Bridgman Public Schools is asking the community to reach out and share some stories about educators who have made a difference in the pandemic. Tara Heiser is a consultant to the district and tells WSJM News the Learn by Heart educator appreciation campaign is underway now to say thank you to educators.

“They have been through so much over the past few years with changing requirements and guidelines and teaching in very challenging situations,” Heiser said. “It’s not just the teachers. And it’s the bus drivers, it’s the lunch ladies, it’s the custodial crew.”

Heiser says Bridgman Public Schools has set up a website where people can submit their thanks.

“What we do is we take those thank you messages and we them push back out in the community through social media and articles to build awareness about all of the wonderful things that are being done in our schools today.”

The Greater Bridgman Area Chamber and Growth Alliance has donated five $100 Buy Local Bridgman Community gift cards to be awarded to teachers over the next five months, and the district has donated five Amazon gift cards to be given to residents who a submit thank you. You can say thanks at