Riverside Park in Ypsilanti will be the site of the Canna Jam tomorrow, a state-licensed cannabis event featuring music, comedy, dancing and plenty of food. The organizer is attorney Michael Komorn, he says the goal is to show the positive impact of marijuana consumption in social settings.
“Can’t tell you the number of times I’ve watched a sporting event or gone to a concert and there’s liquor and beer and sponsorships for that. We’re yet to see scenarios that present cannabis in the same way,” says Komorn. “I think only through these type of events are we going to reduce the stigma and show what responsible adult cannabis use looks like.”
The Canna Jam takes place from noon until 10 pm at Riverside Park on Cross Street in Ypsilanti tomorrow. General admission is $30. Komorn is anticipating a turnout of about 25-hundred people at the festival.