Michigan State Police are looking for volunteers for the Angel Program. Lieutenant Scott Ernstes of the Paw Paw post tells WSJM News the Angels Program was started locally in 2017 to help people struggling with a drug addiction seek help without fear of prosecution. With Angel, a person can go to the state police post, turn in their drugs, and ask to be connected with a volunteer who will take them to a treatment center.
“The best type of volunteer would be someone who has either experienced [addiction] or knows someone who has gone through it, but it could be anybody,” Ernstes said. “We’ve had grandmothers who have never experienced addiction be volunteers, but they’re there just because they care about people.”
Ernstes says the Angels Program slowed down in 2020, but now they’re looking to ramp it back up.
“We were seeing good success. We would have people come in, we’d get them the services they need, and it was working really well.”
Ernstes says the volunteers are trained, and Michigan State Police are looking to do some training sessions in September. Anyone interested in volunteering for the Angel Program can learn more at Michigan.gov/AngelProgram.