Saturday, May 29 will bring the return of the St. Joseph Farmers Market for 2021. St. Joseph Today’s Daniele Crevier says it will be a normal year for vendors.
“We are at about 26 right now, so it’s kind of normal, as we fluctuate between 26 and 30,” says Crevier. “We’ll have a couple seasonal ones at the end that do peaches or apples. For a list of those vendors, you can go to StJoeToday.com/FarmersMarket.”
The website will also give you the dates for the market and more.
“There is also a really cool Meet the Vendors tab, so if you’re looking for something not on a Farmers Market day, you can connect with the vendors.”
The market will be every Saturday except July 10 through October 9. The July date is off due to the Krasl Art Fair on the Bluff. The market will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and also be open 9 am to 5 pm June 6, July 17, September 4 and 25 in conjunction with the Lake Bluff Artisan Fair.