The Avenue Family Network is planning a virtual fundraiser for the coming week. It says Attitude of Gratitude: A Week of Giving will run from Sunday, May 16 to Saturday, May 22. The online giving event will serve as not only a fundraiser for the Avenue, but participants will also have the opportunity to share public gratitude for anyone who has affected their life, whether it’s a parent, co-worker, or neighbor. The comments will be shared via the website and social media of the Avenue to help support a positive virtual atmosphere. The Avenue Family Network is a non-profit based in Benton Harbor that runs adult day services, the Cora Lamping Center, West Michigan Guardianship, and Shoremark Homecare. Director Joe Goepfrich says with the fundraiser, the Avenue hopes to “spread some positivity, share some love, and hopefully inspire others to do the same, all while fundraising to help nourish our organization and those we serve.” You can donate at TheAvenue.ngo.