State officials are investigating an incident out of the UP where a drone that was surveying erosion damage to the shoreline was attacked in mid-air by a bald eagle. The drone pilot was mapping the shoreline when the aircraft started twirling and sending back error messages. That’s when he saw the drone drop into the water, and an eagle fly away,
“A couple said they saw the eagle hit the drone,” says Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy communications manager Hugh McDiarmid. “Later on, the drone supervisor was in the area so he went out there with a mask and snorkel, but the water was really murky and he was unable to find it. So, the bald eagle won the battle of the eagle versus EGLE drone.”
He says they’re going to try to keep this from happening again by painting or skinning their drone so they don’t look so much like seagulls.
Image courtesy of Pexels.com