Cass County Prosecutor Seeks State Help In Diamond Lake Party Investigation


The Cass County Prosecutor’s Office has filed a request with the Michigan Attorney General for the appointment of a special prosecutor to review a large party that was held at Cass County’s Diamond Lake on the Fourth of July. The reason is a possible conflict of interest. The local prosecutor says he has a affiliation with one of the impacted lake associations. The sandbar bash at the lake attracted hundreds of people who made little effort to social distance. Video of the party went viral, getting more than 10 million views on social media. Meanwhile, Van Buren-Cass District Health Department Medical Director Larry Wile told Michigan News Network the party is indeed a concern.

“The age group in that video and at that party, while there may be some in their 50s and 60s, they are mostly younger adults,” Wile said. “But we do worry about them taking it back to their workplaces, their environment. Somebody could be a nurse, and aid or work at a nursing home and could spread it to others.”

The Cass County Sheriff’s Department is investigating whether the party’s organizers broke rules regarding gathering sizes. Wile says he’s concerned about the spread of the coronavirus since people were close together and were not wearing masks.