Realtors Adapting To Coronavirus Reality In Michigan


COVID-19 is changing things quite a bit for those looking to buy or sell homes, but Michigan Realtors Association president Maureen Francis says they’re glad to be back to work.

“The good news is that as we’ve resumed in-person contact over the past week, we’ve seen a vibrant market for both buyers and sellers,” said Francis during Governor Whitmer’s coronavirus briefing on Wednesday. “Interest in real estate investment in Michigan is strong.”

Francis says they are working with a lot of new best practices to keep everyone safe, including using more virtual showings than ever before and working together more to avoid overlapping appointments.

“We request cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces prior to and after showings. We’re encouraging the use of masks and gloves as well as buyers to refrain from touching any surface while viewing a property, and not to share phones, pens, or tablets with their agent,” said Francis.

She adds they’re limiting time physically at a property and doing a lot of follow up through email or over the phone.