Group Seeks Local Government Cooperation In Van Buren County


Market Van Buren is looking at ways local officials can work together to help address some key needs of Van Buren County. Market Van Buren Director Zachary Morris tells WSJM News that’s why the group held its annual Local Unit of Government Summit this month. The guest speakers included former state budget director Al Pscholka, staff from the offices of state Senator Aric Nesbitt and state Representative Beth Griffin, and a representative of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.

“We had the MEDC in, talking about the Redevelopment Ready Communities program and how that benefits them and how it works,” Morris said. “We also had a panel from the internet providers in Van Buren County talking about the challenges they are currently facing, and what can be done to solve some the rural internet connections.”

Morris says the rural internet discussion was especially active. Another topic of discussion was shoreline erosion. More than 60 representatives of 20 Van Buren County communities took part in the summit. Morris says Market Van Buren will now develop a working group to address the broadband problem, and work with communities on updating their master plans.