$15 Million For Pure Michigan In Budget Proposal


Some of the funding cut from the popular Pure Michigan advertising campaign is being restored in Governor Whitmer’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2021. State Budget Director Chris Kolb made a brief mention of it at the end of his budget presentation to lawmakers Thursday.

“This budget includes $15 million for the Pure Michigan campaign,” said Kolb. “With an invitation to the tourism industry to contribute additional funding for the statewide effort.”

The $15 million is a big drop from the $37.5 million that had been cut from the current year’s budget. The conservative Mackinac Center for Public Policy think tank had earlier called on the tourism industry to fund the initiative instead of taxpayers. WSJM News asked Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association CEO Justin Winslow for his reaction.

“I think it’s certainly a positive to see funding back in for Pure Michigan, it’s certainly justified,” said Winslow. But he says action is needed for this year still. “We’re having a hard time having a real conversation about 2021 when there’s really more of an immediate crisis, and an unnecessary crisis.”

Winslow adds there are plenty of conversations between the tourism industry and lawmakers about putting forth another supplemental budget bill to resume the ads through the end of the current fiscal year in September. He says cutting the ad campaign this year put the livelihood of 200,000 Michiganders in jeopardy.