Bring me solutions to fixing the roads. That’s the message from Governor Gretchen Whitmer to state lawmakers, delivered during a press conference this morning, as the end of the current fiscal year is just 33 days away on September 30. She proposed a budget 176 days ago, and says the House and Senate should not have taken a summer recess without sending budget bills to her. Whitmer this morning said if Republicans have another idea instead of her 45¢ per gallon gas tax hike to come up with enough revenue to spend $2.5 billion on roads without taking money away from education, pensions, and other places, she remains open.
“I’m not wedded to every aspect of the plan I put on the table,” Whitmer said. “Although, I’m confident it’s the best plan because no one has been able to put an alternative out there.”
Whitmer said the $2.5 billion needed for roads was also a figure from the previous administration of Republican Rick Snyder and adds it will be up to $3.5 billion per year in three years if nothing is done now.
“The cost continues to go up, but most importantly, the danger continues to increase,” said Whitmer. “I saw a picture on Twitter where someone put a toilet in a pothole. I mean, new visual about how crappy our roads are, I suppose.”
The governor added she is “working day and night to try to make sure we get a deal” to avoid a government shutdown on October 1.