Students at Benton Harbor High School will take soon take part in a driver safety program offered by the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning and Ford Motor Company. Office of Highway Safety Planning spokesperson Kari Arend tells WSJM News Strive For a Safer Drive is a peer-led traffic safety campaign that allows the kids to use a $1,000 grant to reach out to their classmates about safe driving.
“Whether it be distracted driving, seat belt use, underage drinking, winter driving, the students can pick which topic they’d like to see and form a campaign around that for their peers, and then those campaign are judged and a winner is announced in the spring,” Arend said.
Arend says 62 schools statewide have been selected to receive grants this year. The top five in the state will get cash prizes ranging from $500 to $1,500. Also among the schools picked for Strive for a Safer Drive is Cassopolis Ross Beatty High School.