Pokagon Pow Wow Starts Today


The 33rd annual Pokagon Band of Potawatomi “Kee-Boon Mein-Kaa” Pow Wow will be this Saturday and Sunday. The tribe’s Trish Williams tells WSJM News the event is a way to celebrate the Pokagon culture, and everyone is welcome to attend.

“One year, we got up to 20,000 people who visited us throughout the weekend,” Williams said. “It becomes more of a big event every year where we can share our Native American crafts and dancing with the public.”

The Pokagons tell us “Kee-Boon Mein-Kaa” literally means “I have quit picking huckleberries.”

“This is the end of the year for our blueberry season,” Williams said. “We celebrate our harvest at this time, the same time every year. All of the families come together from the whole nation.”

Williams says the biggest activity will feature 300 traditional dancers at 1 p.m. today. The weekend also features singing, drumming, and food. The pow wow will be at Rogers Lake in Dowagiac. You can find out more about this weekend’s event at PokagonPowWow.com.