St. Joseph City Commissioners are hoping to see some action to strengthen part of the bluff along Old Lakeshore Road. That’s because it appears to be in danger of collapsing. On Monday, they discussed the problem area, located around 2405 Old Lakeshore. Some residents have documented the failing of the sea wall and subsequent bluff erosion. CSX Railroad is responsible for the property, and Mayor Mike Garey tells WSJM News they’ve got to be convinced to do something.
“We have to move on this because, as we know in this area with the bluff, it’s not if this is going to continue, or if it’s going to fall it,” Garey said. “It’s when it’s going to fall in.”
The concern is a train could wind up in Lake Michigan. City Manager John Hodgson said the railroad hasn’t been especially responsive so far. The city is asking the office of Congressman Fred Upton to reach out to them.