Orchard Hill Landfill Owner Disappointed By Legislation


Following Michigan House passage this week of legislation increasing the fines that landfills could be assessed for violating state rules, management at the Orchard Hill Sanitary Landfill in Watervliet have a few things to say. The landfill’s Chris Phillips says he’s disappointed the legislation proposing “massive increases” in those fines has made it through the State House. He also has some words for State Representative Al Pscholka, who proposed the legislation in response to complaints from Watervliet and Coloma area residents about the odor generated by Orchard Hill. Phillips says, “Pscholka knows, Orchard Hill Sanitary Landfill has an outstanding overall record of compliance with state waste management laws.” Phillips also says Orchard Hill has been found to be in compliance with state landfill regulations every time it’s been inspected since 2008, except once. Pscholka’s bill raises penalties under Michigan’s waste management laws for first and second violations to $20,000 and $40,000 each day, up from $10,000 and $25,000. The House approved it Thursday.