MDOT seeks input from pedestrians with new survey


The Michigan Department of Transportation is asking everyone to fill out a survey on the needs of vulnerable road users in the state.

MDOT safety programs manager Carissa McQuiston tells us vulnerable road users are anyone using a road without a vehicle. That includes people who are walking, biking, or rolling.

MDOT wants to better understand the needs of pedestrians so the state’s roads can be planned and managed in a way that suits their needs as well as those of drivers.

We want to understand how people move, what’s important, make sure we’re understanding the choices, giving people different choices for their mobility needs,” McQuiston said.

McQuiston says MDOT is planning workshops in each region of the state to go over maps with locals so it can learn more about pedestrian needs. There’s also the online survey anyone can take from their home.

“It’s kind of getting their input on where we should be focusing, some of the issues they come across in their daily use. Most of us are pedestrians at some point in our day. Some of us are bicyclists. So we all have experiences, and we’re collecting that information, region-specific.”

McQuiston says since COVID, there been a lot more non-motorized use of the state’s roads, and MDOT wants to have detailed information.

The survey will be up through August 18 and you can find it right here. The in-person workshop in Southwest Michigan for MDOT to learn more will be in Kalamazoo, although the date hasn’t yet been established.