Whirlpool Day of Impact in Benton Harbor set for Tuesday


Tuesday will bring the third Whirlpool Foundation Day of Impact in Benton Harbor as more than 120 volunteers work to spruce up Charles Yarbrough Park.

Whirlpool Community Relations and Foundations Manager Stefanie Harvey-Vanderberg tells us it’ll be a busy day.

We’re looking to install new and updated park benches and picnic tables,” Vandenberg said. “We’re going to be refreshing the playground equipment and painting, replacing the cell shade. We will be mulching all throughout the park to beautify the park, cleaning and planning and landscaping some of the flower beds and even in the turnabout.”

That’s not all. Vandenberg says the Whirlpool Foundation is constructing a new facility at the park.

We’re going to be installing a 53 by 40 foot bathroom plaza that will be built. Now, groundbreaking will take place during the Day of Impact on Tuesday throughout the program. However, construction will begin in late July, early August.”

A ribbon cutting will be held when the restrooms are finished.

Vandenberg says this effort comes out of conversations with the community and a look at Benton Harbor’s master plan. She notes with people fishing all day at Charles Yarbrough Park, restrooms would make their experience more comfortable.

Whirlpool’s Day of Impact last year involved improvements at June Woods Park, and the year before, it was Union Park. Vandenberg says the Days of Impact are part of Whirlpool equity commitment to the community.

Everyone’s welcome to Charles Yarbrough Park from noon to 3 p.m. Tuesday to help the volunteers.