Benton Harbor Commissioners increase fees for parking violations


Benton Harbor City Commissioners have voted to give local parking rules some teeth.

At a Monday meeting, commissioners approved recommendations from the Public Safety and Public Works Committee to increase the penalties charged to those who violate the parking ordinance.

Benton Harbor Public Safety Deputy Director Mike Clark told commissioners last week the old fees are just $1 for overtime parking violations, and $2 for other violations. He said that’s pretty out of date.

The last time this was updated was probably before most of us were born,” Clark said. “So we’re looking to change the overtime parking violations from $1 to $40 and all other parking violations from $2 to $40.”

Clark said the public safety department did its research when coming up with recommendations.

Looking at all the neighboring communities around us, looking at what they’re charging for their overtime parking violations, and that this is on par with what those are.”

Clark said under the old rules, a person could park illegally at Jean Klock Park and just pay the parking ticket, rather than the normal parking fee, and actually save money. He also noted city residents don’t have to pay for parking at Jean Klock Park as long as they register with the city. C

The full city commission Monday concurred with the committee decision, approving the new fee schedule with no comment.