Michigan Works taking applications for Going Pro Talent Fund grants


Michigan Works is taking applications for the next round of Going Pro Talent Fund grants.

Michigan Works Business Solutions Manager Michael Mompremier tells us Going Pro provides grants to businesses to keep the skills of their employees up to date.

“The Going Pro Talent Fund is a competitive grant that allows employers to be reimbursed for training that they’re putting their existing employees through, as well as the retention tool for any projected new hires brought on during the duration of the grant,” Mompremier said. “It allows for reimbursement of up to $2,000 for existing employees, but if those individuals if those individuals are apprentices, then it allows for up to $3,500 reimbursement costs.”

Mompremier says during the first application period this year, Michigan Works of Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren helped secure a total of $2.9 million in grants for 39 employers across six industries. He notes this is helpful for small businesses without a training budget and can supplement the training budgets of larger businesses.

The Going PRO Talent Fund grant applications will be open from Monday, April 22 through Friday, May 10 at 5:00 PM. Employers are encouraged to reach out to:

Berrien County: Michael Mompremier at MompremierM@miworks.org

Cass and Van Buren Counties: Jennifer Leich at LeichJ@miworks.org

Hospitality and Small Business: Paul Panicucci at PanicucciP@miworks.org