Now in the running for Michigan Senate in the 26th District is former state Representative and Michigan Lottery Commissioner Aric Nesbitt. The Lawton Republican tells us he’s throwing his hat in the ring because he wants to continue recent state progress.
“We’ve already made a good start over the last eight years by cutting nearly $20 billion in long-term government debt,” Nesbitt said. “We need to continue on that course to make sure our children and grandchildren don’t inherit that debt.”
Nesbitt says he also wants to work to reduce auto insurance rates. Nesbitt recently stepped down from a post as the head of the state lottery to run for Senate. He’s got competition. Also running as a Republican against Nesbitt in the primary is Allegan County Clerk Bob Genetski. The 26th Michigan Senate District covers Van Buren and Allegan counties as well as part of Kent County.
Photo taken from VoteNesbitt.com.