SJ Commissioners Hear 2017 Coastal Study


St. Joseph City Commissioners are keeping their eye on the community’s coastal areas. In 2012, the commission voted to do periodic coastal studies to monitor water levels on Lake Michigan and beach erosion. Commissioners Monday heard the results of the 2017 study from Colin Hassenger of Edgewater Resources. He told WSJM News it is helpful for local governments to have a handle on shoreline issues.

“The shoreline is a dynamic environment,” Hassenger said. “Step one is to be aware of what the range of those dynamic events  are and have policies in place to allow both public and private interests to be maintained and preserved.”

The 2017 coastal report recommends that the city create a shoreline policy, continue efforts to encourage shoreline re-enforcement, and follow proactive policies. Hassenger noted the city has been fortunate that Lake Michigan water levels have been both very low and very high in the years since the first coastal report was drafted. The latest report will be published to the city’s website this month.