Work is underway at Celebration Cinema in Benton Harbor to refurbish the auditoriums and add new luxury seating. They started ripping out the old seats form three of the auditoriums this month, and Celebration’s Steve Van Wagoner tells WSJM News movie goers will certainly notice the difference when all is said and done.
“We’re just thrilled to be able to do this, to reinvest, make an even greater experience,” VanWagoner said. “These are power, luxury recliners. The ticket price doesn’t change. We just wanted to create a better experience.”
VanWagoner tells us they’re spending about $1.8 to $2 million on upgrades underway at the Benton Harbor location. They expect to be finished with everything in June, although you’ll start to see the new recliners in some of the auditoriums starting next month.